
Mean Mr., Honey Wholegrain, Mustard

Song lyrics that date me.  This is just a quick post because of how thrilled I am with the way my mustard turned out.  It all started innocently enough in my favorite market, looking for a wholegrain type jar of mustard.  I don't know about you, but when I'm looking for something, most of the time there is an ideal lurking in the back of my mind.  If that is not met, then everything comes to a screeching halt, pardon the drama.  Not a world crisis..  But the selection was pitiful, sorry to say.  So, I said to myself,  let's just do it ourselves.  I wasn't totally talking to myself.  My granddaughter was present.

Admittedly, I could have gone to a mega, national chain Supermarket and found the perfect mustard of my dreams, but that wouldn't be nearly as much fun.  So over to the bulk bins for a bag of mustard seeds.  Once home I quickly Googled recipes to see how difficult the process might be. 

Apparently the first thing to do is soak them overnight.  So, okay we soaked the seeds in a mixture of vinegar and water.  Then we ground it up.  If I had known mustard making was that easy, and fabulous I would have done it long ago.  You see that, it turns out to be a good thing when the store doesn't have just what you want.  You are forced to be creative, to improvise.

And wouldn't you know, there is a health-wise reason people eat mustard with things like hot dogs, corned beef, etc.  It improves digestion and aids in the metabolism of fats.  Keep extra seeds on hand for a mustard plaster which is helpful for chest congestion, inflammation and joint pains.  Good stuff.

Homemade Mustard

Adapted from Savory Reviews
– (makes about 1 1/2 cups)

    * 1/2 cup mustard seeds (yellow or brown)
    * 3/4 cup apple cider vinegar
    * 1/2 cup water
    * 1 - 2  tbs honey
    * 1 tsp turmeric (optional)
    * 1 tsp salt
    * 1-2 tbs water, depending on the consistency you desire

You can use either yellow or brown/black mustard seeds.  The yellow seeds are milder and the black/brown seeds are more pungent.   I used about 2 tablespoons of black and the rest yellow.  I didn't add turmeric, because I wanted to try it simple first.  If you want more of a yellow color, then use the turmeric.

Combine the 1/2 cup mustard seeds, 3/4 cup vinegar and the water in a large container.  Cover and let sit at room temperature for 1-2 days.  You want to soften the seeds and let them soak up all that delicious vinegar.  You will notice that the seeds will absorb almost all of the liquid.

Pour the seeds, honey, turmeric and salt into a blender and process to your desired consistency.  At this point you can add a few more tablespoons of water if you want it thinner.  You can also add  more honey if you like yours sweeter.  I used 2 tablespoons.

Spoon into a covered container and let it age in the refrigerator, though pure mustards can be kept at room temperature.  It should rest at least a day before using so the bitterness will leave..  Bitterness is a byproduct of the mustard reaction, which fades after a day or so.  It will get stronger and spicier with time.  It also tastes better after a week of aging.

Now you spread that pungent goodness on your sliced turkey, line up the tomatoes and knock your socks off.  This will be sent to Week-end Herb Blogging, hosted this week by Haalo of Cooks Almost Anything. Always an informative forum.


  1. I'm so impressed that you made mustard from scratch! Way cool.

  2. love homemade mustards, the variations are endless!

  3. Very nice, Claudia. I will try your recipe when I run out of mustard.
    Picking up a previous thread: I tried making the alternative puff pastry with kefir cheese instead of ricotta and it worked nicely.

  4. Correction: I meant drained kefir in my previous comment. The recipe of the alternative puff pastry is here http://briciole.typepad.com/blog/2012/01/pasta-sfoglia-alternativa.html


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