
Survival Garden Duck Soup

Not long ago I posted about a type of tropical spinach, the Pacific Spinach, after I had succeeded in identifying it.  In doing so, I mentioned other types, that it wasn't, but one of which I was then going to get, if that makes sense.  It's here now and planted, Okinawan Spinach, with mulch all around.  It's a bit wilty, having just been put into the ground. You will notice it has a sort of maroon color underneath the leaves and green on top. The Pacific variety is more tree like, this one is a lower growing, ground cover sort, hopefully. Trust me, this is going somewhere.

Next I had cilantro starting to flower and so clipped the tops.  Then there were lots of dandelion greens here and there, which you know are good to eat (check the link if you don't believe it) as well as being fiercely independent. You don't need to plant them.  This is beginning to sound like my review post on the Hunger Games.  Okay, so yesterday it was cool and rainy in Hilo and I was right by my favorite place for Duck Fun, otherwise known as duck soup with noodles, and various fresh greens thrown in before serving, all of which I lovvvvve.   Hurray for Duck soup!  There was enough to take home for another big bowlful, though not too many greens left.

So now you have it, my own garden clippings for topping duck soup. So good, and perfect for cold Hawaiian days. The noodles had some fun (ha ha) dissolving a bit into the soup overnight.  This post will be shared with Beth Fish Reads for the Weekend Cooking event.


  1. How creative! I've been trying to use ingredients I already have more and improvising based off what's already in the fridge but you took it to a whole new level! I'm impressed! And the soup looks really yummy too!

  2. Yum, I love fun noodles! Great idea to use your own greens in the soup. Had to smile at your words: "cold Hawaiian days." Sounds like an oxymoron to me. :)

  3. Now that's resourceful! The soup looks awesome.

  4. Oh my gosh! This sounds like an amazing and homey soup for a rainy day! I am stuck in the deep freeze of winter right now, so talk of dandelions has me wishing for spring! I have never tried eating dandelions, but one of these days I think I will give it a try! :)

  5. Dandelion greens are lovely, even the ones flowering are not at all bitter.

  6. When I was growing up outside Philly we had lots of Italian families on our block. I always remember the ladies gathering dandelions for salad and also making wine. Love your creativity here!

  7. That soup definitely looks perfect for the way our weather has been and I love all of the greens you have in there. I have not used Okinawan spinach much or dandelion greens--I need to try to find them and work with them more. ;-)


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