It's A Farmer's Market Day
In Hilo, that's Wednesdays and Saturdays. So, I went with mangoes on my mind and was not disappointed. Besides that, there were fresh radishes, and etc. etc....
While there, I took a few pictures, and talked to an old acquaintance, Danny, who mans a corner stall, selling plants, especially carnivorous ones. Yes, they do eat bugs. I mentioned putting the photos on my blog and about the parables we encounter in our lives. Danny reminded me that these plants use a sweet attractant and then trap the insects once they're drawn in. Just as we are warned about in various
Proverbs, "My son, if sinners entice you, do not give in to them." We can be seduced by something that seems good.
Do you see the little sacs? Those are the traps, holding rain water to drown the unwary bugs. Poor dears.
Being armed against temptation is only one reason why we need to be in prayer. I was reading some of the responses on a
Meme that was recently circulating in the blogosphere - comments were invited about the
things we are afraid to mention in church or to other Christians. It seems that many people have trouble with prayer, the need for it, the usefulness of it, and making time for a prayer life.
If I have a question about something that's discussed in the Word of God, that's where I go for an answer. What did Jesus do? If at all possible, we can check that. Jesus, as perfect and sinless as he was, and Creator of the Universe (it boggles the mind), found the time, saw the need to spend time in prayer with his Father. He is our model and best example. Do we need it less than he did? And, sometimes, we are told, it was for the whole night!
Luke 6:12Even with people around him (what I would call a real distraction), he was able to be "praying in private."
Luke 9:18 Not being able to get off by ourselves is not necessarily an excuse. He was an example to his disciples and us, and taught about prayer.
Luke 11:1-13In addition, it was a habit with him. Reading in
Luke 22:39-42, we see that he went "as usual to the Mount of Olives" to pray. He "knelt down" - now this is God's own Son! And, He asks "If you are willing, take this cup from me; (the request) yet not my will, but yours be done." What about naming and claiming it? Also, "he prayed more earnestly." This brings to mind what
James 5:16-17 says about the fervent prayer of the righteous.
Some of the comments mentioned not wanting or feeling like praying at or for meals. Jesus is once again our model for right action. He, Creator of the Universe,
gave thanks. Someone else suggested that those people should fast for at least 24 hours and then they might be more thankful for the next meal.
How can you sustain a relationship with someone without talking to them (prayer) or listening to them (reading his Word and listening for the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit)? I don't think it's possible.