What in the world would summer be without salads? Yes, a rhetorical question. The answer being obvious. When we are wilting, possibly melting into a puddle of sweat on the kitchen floor, who in their right mind wants to turn on that blasted oven? No one, that's who. We start thinking, from our nice lie down on the cool floor, of various and sundry salads.

This one begins with a foundation component of healthy flavor and protein, the lentils called in France, du Puy, renowned for holding their little shapes whilst being tossed about in a bowl with compatible associates. We don't want mushy here. This is not a curry. It is a carefully composed work of art, with jewel like color, varied textures and loads of flavor.

This one begins with a foundation component of healthy flavor and protein, the lentils called in France, du Puy, renowned for holding their little shapes whilst being tossed about in a bowl with compatible associates. We don't want mushy here. This is not a curry. It is a carefully composed work of art, with jewel like color, varied textures and loads of flavor.